

Legal English
The purposes of this class are:
(1)@@to introduce students to general as well as linguistics-related English vocabulary;
(2)@@to improve the studentsf reading comprehension (“Η‰π);
(3)@@to encourage students to discuss issues related to the contents of the text read during the class.

NOTE: No prior knowledge of linguistics is required or expected.
This is a preliminary class schedule, which means that this schedule is subject to change. The speed with which the class will proceed will, to some extent, be adapted to fit the level of the students attending the class. This may cause changes to the class schedule below.
Class 1: The Inevitability of Change
Class 2: Collecting Evidence of Language Change
Class 3: Studying Language Change in Progress

Class 4: Conscious and Unconscious Change: in New York City and Marthafs Vineyard
Class 5: Opposing Social Pressures Driving Language Change
Class 6: How Sound Changes Spread Through a Language
Class 7: How Syntactic Changes Work Through a Language
Class 8: Grammaticalization
Class 9: Change of Meaning

Class 10: Sociolinguistic Causes of Language Change
Class 11: Inherent Causes of Language Change
Class 12: Therapeutic Changes
Class 13: Chain Reaction Changes

PART 4 (Revision Class)
Class 14: Progress or Decay? Assessing the Situation

Class 15: EXAM
3.1. Before the Class / Žφ‹Ζ‚Μ‘O
Reading materials will be handed out at least one week before the class in which they will be covered. Students are expected to complete the assigned readings before attending the class.

3.2. During the Class / Žφ‹Ζ’†
During the class, students are expected:
(1) to read aloud one or more paragraphs of the assigned reading material;
(2) to answer questions concerning the vocabulary in the paragraph(s) read aloud;
(3) to answer questions concerning the contents of the paragraph(s) read aloud.
The following book will be used during the class:

AITCHISON, JEAN. (2001). Language Change: Progress or Decay? [ŒΎŒκ•Ο‰» | i•ΰ‚©,‚»‚κ‚Ζ‚ΰŠ‘ή‚©], 3rd edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

This work remains non-technical in style and accessible to students with no previous knowledge of linguistics.

NOTE: The students do not need to buy Aitchisonfs book. The reading materials will be handed out during the class.
Assessment will be conducted as follows:
(1) Class participation and class preparation (Žφ‹ΖŽQ‰Α‹y‚ΡŽφ‹Ζ—\K): 30%
(2) Final examination (Šϊ––ŽŽŒ±): 70%
Questions can be asked by e-mail using the following address:


When sending an e-mail, please clearly mention the following in the subject line (Œ–Ό—“):
(1)@@the name of the class (for example, gEnglish IVh, gEigo IVh or g‰pŒκ‡Wh);
(2)@@your full name in kanji and roma-ji (for example, g“c’†Žl˜Y Tanaka Shiroh).