Course Title |
Contemporary Political Theory III |
Course Overview |
This seminar focuses upon political studies, particularly upon Japanese Politics (Spring Semester) and Governance and Public Philosophy (Autumn Semester). |
履修条件 |
This seminar is designed to develop your skills to discuss, in English, various topics in political studies including Japanese Politics and Public Policy Making. All discussions in this seminar are held in English. Students who have a plan to study in an English speaking country in near future, who just came back from studying abroad, and who would like to maintain your English fluency are particularly welcome, but not necessary. Please be advised that active participation is essential; you are, in every session, required to make some speeches and presentations, and also have discussions. |
授業の目的 |
This is a joint seminar with the "Comparative Studies of Politics and Publc Administration in Asia (CSPA)" Programme, an international programme of the Graduate School of Law. Most students enrolled in the CSPA programme are international students. You can, therefore, enjoy a perfect environment to improve your skills to discuss in English by participating in this seminar.
The ultimate aim of this seminar is to enable you to argue politics and society in English with employing academic concepts and theories of political studies. The seminar in this academic year, for this purpose, consists of two parts: (1) Japanese Politics and (2) Governance and Public Philosophy. |
授業の概要・計画 |
(1)前期:日本政治論 日本政治に関して、近代日本政治史から現代の政策まで様々なテーマを議論します。演習の日程は、留学センター開講基幹教育科目(JTW=Japan in Today’s World)の「現代日本政治」と並行して進みますので、本演習受講者は、このJTWの授業も受講または聴講することを強く推奨します。
【(参考)2019年の例】 1. イントロダクション 2. 近代政治の歴史 3. 憲法 4. 首相、国会、官僚制 5. 選挙と参加 6. 地方政治と市民社会 7. 政治的イデオロギー 8. 政治文化 9. 経済政策と福祉政策 10. 教育政策 11. 移民政策 12. 防衛政策 13. エネルギー&環境政策 14. メディアと政治 15. まとめ
(2)後期:政治理論と比較政治学 後期の演習では、政治学原論で学んだような、政治学や比較政治学の基本的な概念や理論について議論します。政治学原論で検討した様々な概念や理論について、留学生と議論しながら、理解を深めていきます。
(3)最終論文 年度末までに、英語による論文の提出を求めます。これはゼミ論の替わりですので、提出が単位の条件です。
(4)ゼミ研修旅行 2015年夏季:辺野古基地移設問題の調査(沖縄) 2016年春季:町並み保存政策の調査(金沢) 2016年夏季:離島における日韓関係最前線の調査(対馬・釜山) 2017年春季:歴史的伝統を生かした観光政策の調査(宮崎) 2017年夏季:諫早湾干拓問題の調査(長崎・諫早) 2018年春季:国際観光都市湯布院の調査(大分・由布) 2018年夏季:釜山広域市における国際化政策の調査(韓国・釜山) 2019年夏季:川内原発再稼働問題の調査(鹿児島) 2020年春季:黒川温泉の国際観光戦略の調査(熊本・南小国町)
(1) Spring Semester: Japanese Politics We will discuss various topics of Japanese politics--from its modern history to contemporary public policy. The schedule of this semester is synchronised with "Contemporary Japanese Politics" course of Japan in Today’s World (JTW) programme. The students of this seminar are strongly encouraged to take (or audit) this JTW course.
【Schedule (2017)】 1. Introduction 2. Modern Political History 3. The Constitution 4. Prime Minister, Diet and Bureaucracy 5. Election and Participation 6. Local Government and Civil Society 7. Political Ideology 8. Political Culture 9. Economic Policy and Welfare Policy 10. Education Policy 11. Immigration Policy 12. Defence Policy 13. Energy and Environment Policy 14. Media and Politics 15. Summary
(2) Autumn Semester: Introduction to Political Theory The second half of this seminar is devoted to discuss basic political concepts and theories, which you learned in my course of Seijigaku Genron. We will try to deepen our understanding of what we examined in Genron through discussion with international students.
(3) Final essay You are required to submit an academic essay (research paper) in English at the end of this course. Since this essay substitutes for Zemiron, you cannot get a credit with this seminar without submitting your final essay.
(4) Field Trips Summer 2015: Henoko US Marine Corp Base (Okinawa) Spring 2016: Conservation of Historic Town (Kanazawa) Summer 2016: Frontier Island and Japan-Korea Relationships (Tsushima&Busan) Spring 2017: Historical Tradition and Sightseeing Policy (Miyazaki) Summer 2017: Land Reclamation Dispute in Isahaya Bay (Nagasaki, Isahaya) Spring 2018: International Sightseeing City Yufuin (Yufu, Oita) Summer 2018: Internationalisation Policy of Busan City (Busan, Korea) Summer 2019: Restart of Sendai Nuclear Power Plant (Kagoshima) Spring 2020: International Sightseeing Strategy of Kurokawa Hot Spring (Minamioguni, Kumamoto) |
授業の進め方 |
本演習の詳細については、ゼミを行いながら学生と相談して決めていきます。さしあたり前期の最初の数回は、以下のように進めようと考えています。 1. 課題の文献とそれに関連した質問を事前に配布します(文献は、論文または章を1〜2本分です)。 2. 学生は、課題の文献を読み、質問に対する答えを用意してきます。 3. 1名の学生が課題文献の要約を報告し、もう1名の学生が質問に対する自分の回答を発表します。 4. 参加学生全員で、文献と2名の報告に基づいて議論を行います。
The detail of this seminar will be decided upon an ongoing basis by discussions with students; but the following would be the initial proposal from me in the Spring Semester. 1. Essential readings (one or two article/chapter per week) and a related question is announced before a session. 2. The students are required to read all through the essential readings and prepare their answers to the question. 3. A student is assigned to make a presentation of the summary of the essential readings, and another student of his/her answers to the question. 4. All the students have a discussion based upon the essential readings and the answer to the question. |
教科書・参考書等 |
The text will be provided through Moodle e-learning system. |
成績評価の方法・基準 |
参加と議論:50% ゼミ論文:50%
Participation and discussion: 50% Final Essay: 50% |
その他(質問・相談方法等) |
Any questions can be asked via e-mail. |
事前/事後学修 |