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Political Theory of Welfare State


Political Theory of Welfare State
Public Philosophy
蓮見 二郎 (HASUMI J.)
教 室
This course gives you an opportunity to learn how to analyse normative aspects of public policy. This year’s course, for this purpose, sets a text in the area of education policy: Geoffrey Hinchliffe’s Liberty and Education: A Civic Republican Approach. This book is unique in that it argues education from a civic republican perspective but interestingly does not take a virtue approach unlike other philosophers such as Andrew Peterson. As a part of this course, students also have a chance to make a presentation in front of the author in early January 2017, which should enable you to engage in a philosophical discussion in a professional manner.
Note that I offer 4 courses in 4 semesters (2 years). They are currently provided under the same course title of ‘Political Theory of Welfare State’ (To be renamed from Fall 2017).
(A) Introduction to Political Studies (Fall 2017)
(B) Policy Making (Spring 2018)
(C) Public Philosophy (Fall 2016)
(D) Japanese Politics (Spring 2017)
Therefore, if you missed any course above, you would not be able to take the same course in the next academic year.

Students are, through this course, expected:
•  To understand complexity of the concepts and debates in relation to public philosophy, particularly to education policy.
•  To be able to critically examine the major debates in public philosophy, particularly in civic republicanism and the concept of liberty.
•  To make a clear presentation and write an academic essay on topics relevant to public philosophy.

The students taking this course must participate in the International Seminar planned on Tuesday 10 January 2017 where Dr Geoffrey Hinchliffe will be present.

(Subject to change)

1. Introduction (Thu 6 Oct)
2. Berlin, ‘Two concepts of liberty’ (Thu 13 Oct)
3. Kymlicka, ‘ch.3 Liberal equality’ (Wed 19 Oct)
4. Kymlicka, ‘Ch.6. Communitarianism’ (Thu 27 Oct)
5. Kymlicka, ‘Ch.7 Citizenship theory’ (Wed 2 Nov)
6. Hinchiliffe, ‘Ch.1 Republican liberty and the free state’ & ‘Ch.2 The value of liberty’ (Thu 10 Nov)
7. Hinchiliffe,’Ch3 Liberty and human power’ & ‘Ch.4 An epistemological perspective on knowledge, learning and education’ (Wed 16 Nov)
8. Hinchliffe, ‘Ch.5 Second nature, liberty and autonomy’ & ‘Ch.6 Liberty and pedagogy’ (Thu 8 Dec)
9. Hinchliffe, ‘Ch.7 Liberty and the curriculum’ & ‘Ch.8 Liberty and educational authority’ (Wed 14 Dec)
10. Hinchliffe, ‘Ch.9 Liberty and teacher authority’ & ‘Ch.10 Antonio Gramsci: dependency, resilience and resistance’ (Thu 5 Jan)
11-14. International Seminar on Citizenship Education and Republicanism with Dr G. Hinchliffe (Afternoon, Tue 10 Jan)
15. Summary (Thu 19 Jan)
The following textbook is set for this course:
  Geoffrey Hinchliffe (2015) Liberty ad Education: A Civic Republican Approach, Abingdon: Routledge.
The following books are also read before we discuss Hinchliffe (2015).
  Will Kymlicka (2002) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Introduction, 2nd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  Isaiah Berlin (2002) Liberty, Henry Hardy ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press.
All the reading materials will be provided through the university’s e-learning system (moodle).
(a) Participation, presentation in a usual class and weekly assignments: 30%
(b) Presentation at the International Seminar: 50%
(c) Essay: 20%