“...exciting recent developments provide a rare opportunity for organizing a dialogue between scholars working on similar themes at the juncture of persisting old questions, anti-universalist ideas and various levels of localist approaches.”

Sukhbaatar Sumiya
Kyushu University

Thailand and Legal Development: Challenges Ahead

Prof. Thanadsillapakul, Lawan
Professor of Law
Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University

The changing global legal and institutional framework governing economic relations of the nation states results from multilayered regulations made among them at different spheres and levels. They have been enhanced by the ideology of neo classical economic theory facilitating the global liberalization process propelled by the rapid advancement of technology and science. Scientific and technological development mobilizes knowledge and innovation around the world, encouraging the standardization of intellectual property right protection. However, high standard of IP laws leads to the conflict on IP protection and human rights issues between developed and developing countries. Moreover, the failure or suspension of the Doha Trade Negotiation Round has influenced developed countries resort to the creation of FTA networks to maintain their economic ties based on preferential trading arrangement with their developing trading partners. This phenomenal reflects on one hand the inter dependence between developed and developing countries, and the need to strengthen legal development of developing countries to accommodate such changes on the other hand. Thailand also moves in this direction to ensure that the country can survive in the competitive global market. Law and development is an essential issue for challenging ahead of the country. The focal points are what strategies employed and how to achieve the goal.

Annual Law Conference Series

  2006 Law Conference
   Law Conference/Alumni Symposium

  2007 Law Conference
   Corporate Governance in East Asia